Welcome! My name is Emily Kingston and I am the owner of this small and successful business.

This website was started to introduce businesses to a variety of simple methods, tools, and strategies, so that they can market and grow their companies in a more cost-effective way.  I’m fairly certain that you’ll be quite surprised when you learn how easy it is to implement many of my suggested methods, tools, and strategies on your own, and what kind of results they bring – I encourage you to take a look at the glowing feedback I receive from my clients every single day!

Take a look at the screenshots in the video above so that you could get an idea of how much more business proper page optimization brings. My very specific recommendations help my clients get at least 30-35% MORE business, and because of how effective the optimization is, the results are just incomparable to paid ads – they are significantly better, without the monthly expense.

My goal is to help businesses of various sizes and in various niches to improve their online presence, strengthen their marketing efforts and build reputation.

My philosophy is to provide a level of value that far exceeds the expectations of each and every one of my clients.  While many marketing and advertising agencies are focused on how to increase their own revenue, my primary goal is to show you how to increase your company’s revenue.  I believe in the old-fashioned way of doing business, which entails providing substantial value to the customer first, before concerning ourselves with our own balance sheet.  One thing I understand, perhaps better than anything else, is that when relationships are built on providing value to my clients first, everything else has a funny way of taking care of itself.  My focus is, and always will be, on how I can provide greater value to each of my clients first, before considering what may or may not be in it for me.

I don’t do fancy websites and stuff which is why this page may look kind of “blank” if you’re here first time – most of my clients come to me by word-of-mouth, which proves to me that what I do, changes businesses’ bottom line – and to me, this is what really matters.

I am firmly committed to providing affordable services of the highest quality:

Brand Building

Search Engine Marketing

Local Directories Marketing

Online Reputation Management

Business Development Consulting

The services I provide have helped thousands of businesses and made a dramatic difference in the number of customers coming through their door, and picking up the phone to place orders or ask questions.

My goal is to help companies get more leads and customers without expensive advertising campaigns and huge marketing budget.

Please refer to the Contact page on this website if you would like to get more information on the services I provide, or a quote for your business.